The Truth Vibrations by David Icke

David Icke has written over sixteen books between his spiritual awakening in 1990 and the present (2008). The Truth Vibrations was the first one, and it was the book that led to his infamous appearance on The Terry Wogan Show and the subsequent years of public ridicule. I’ve read a couple of Icke’s later books and found them to be quite enlightening, so I was eager to read the author’s first outing. I hoped to find some substance behind some of the harder-to-digest claims of the author, and also to find whether there was any truth to the media’s portrayal of him as a messianic crackpot.

In the first chapter, Icke talks about how it all began for him. In short, feelings of a presence around him that led him to seek out famous psychic Betty Shine to help figure out what was going on. Through channeled messages, he learned that he was chosen: “He is a healer who is here to heal the earth.” Interestingly, I think this book was written prior to a significant experience he had in Peru that he has talked about in other books – a “kundalini awakening,” a spiritual experience that literally blew the top of his head off and led to a higher degree of enlightenment.

There certainly is a marked difference in tone between this book and others I’ve read. The prose has less bite. Here, you won’t find chapters with titles like “It’s a piece of shit, walk away” (from I Am Me, I Am Free) or “It’s all bollocks” (from Infinite Love Is the Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion). Here, the tone is more reserved, although he is still very courageous in what he’s saying.

As for subject matter, the book covers reincarnation, chakras, ley lines, standing stones, planet earth as a living entity, and other issues generally not accepted as truth. The book is written as a mixture of strange teachings and autobiographical accounts of Icke’s actual experiences, such as his adventures with others moving rocks to various places in the world, as directed by spirit beings, to help heal the Earth’s energy grid. Oh, I know exactly how all this sounds. And it basically puts the reader into the position of saying, “This guy is either a nutcase of supreme proportions, or the things he’s saying are true.” It’s no surprise that people laughed at him in 1990 (and I was one of them). But now, almost twenty years later, the world grows ever closer to the kind of world Icke has been predicting in his later books.

The Truth Vibrations is all spirituality and no conspiracy, unlike Icke’s later writings, which marry the two. Many of the spiritual ideas he expounds he still stands by today, only he has developed them a great deal over the years. And that, I suppose, makes The Truth Vibrations a fairly unimportant book by comparison. One marked difference between this book and his others is the emphasis on channeled messages. There are many of them scattered throughout the book. Some are prophetic in nature and they’re not always accurate: “He should not worry about cars – electric cars will be used in eight years’ time.” Well, it’s nineteen years later and the electric car still hasn’t replaced the petrol car. Conversely, there are messages such as “There will be earthquakes in various places. These will come as a warning to the human race. They will occur in places that have never experienced them.” Icke’s later books do not emphasise channeling and he has said himself that channeling can lead to misinformation. To his credit, within this very book he admits that his ideas may change and evolve over time and that predicted dates should not be seen as set in stone.

Incidentally, there’s not a messianic word in the whole book. Not a single “I’m the Son of God, worship me.” Not even an “I’m better than you.” There is only humility, and the sense that the author knows he is embarking on a tremendously difficult quest that’s going to involve public ridicule.

Another channeled message: “One man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate the message that can change the world.” Well, David Icke has spent the last two decades tirelessly doing just that. This is going to sound corny, but he has changed my world and woken me up to ways that the world needs to change.

4 thoughts on “The Truth Vibrations by David Icke

  1. I remember David’s appearance on the Wogan show (and I now have one or two clips of it on video, as part of Jon Ronson’s Channel 4 documenatry David Icke, The Lizards and the Jews). While he might not make Messianic claims in this book, he did do on the Wogan show. When asked if he claimed to be a reincarnation of the Son of God, he answered in the affirmative. Then when everybody laughed, he said, “You know, this is very interesting. If a guy called Jesus had been sitting here, you’d have laughed at him too.”

    I didn’t laugh at him (perhaps because of having endured extreme ridicule at school – I know what it’s like to be the odd man out with a strange world view), I just felt sorry for him.

    In the Channel 4 documentary, he said the Wogan experience opened his eyes to the power of the media, which then led to his realisation that the visible rulers of our world are puppets for an unseen illuminati.

    I find him charismatic and compelling, and more than a little persuasive – but I draw the line at alien nine foot tall blood drinking lizards ruling our planet, which is usually the punchline to his presentations.

  2. Darryl Sloan says:

    If you watch the Fern Britton interview panel (which I think was done hot on the heels of the Wogan interview), Icke is given more opportunity to explain what he meant by Son of God. It’s on YouTube, in three parts – worth watching:

    Still, I have to admit to being a little mystified by the way he allowed himself to come across on Wogan. He has since spoken about that period of his life, and the experiences he was going through, with words to the effect of “I hardly knew what planet I was on.”

    As for the Reptilians, I don’t know what to think yet, but I don’t find it laughable. When I started looking into it, I found parallels with the Biblical phenomenon of demon possession, and it is very much connected to that. The Reptilian shapeshifting ideas are only silly when your head is firmly locked into the idea that the physical world is the only reality. And I very much doubt that is the case. Put it this way, the jury’s out, but I’m not seeing anything to laugh at.

  3. i says:

    What David was really saying is that we are all part of this God creator universal library, or what ever term we use to describe this master intelligence.
    Since everything was brought into existence by God and that makes our souls our body and everything we see, a part of God and when we finally get back all of the abilities we once had, then it will be possible to do things never dreamed of. Jesus said what I am all man kind shall be, or words to that affect. meaning humanity will be able to tap into the universal powers and be able to heal and do what Jesus did. it does not mean we will be as good as he was because he was very advanced but there is a universal source which we have been disconnected from, and how many times do we her let the force be with you etc. we seem to have lost the meaning because most of us have allowed ourselves to be dumbed down into mindless drones.

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